Healthy habits to live longer?

Eat lots of healthy plant foods · 5. Here are 13 habits related to a long life. Studies of human populations known for their longevity also observe links between low calorie intake, long life expectancy and a lower likelihood of illness (2, 3,. Several studies show that nuts have beneficial effects on heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, abdominal fat levels and even some forms of cancer (9, 10, 11, 1.A study found that people who consumed at least 3 servings of nuts per week had a 39% lower risk of prematurity) death (1) Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin is thought to help maintain brain, heart and lung function, as well as protect against cancer and age-related diseases (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2.Curcumin is linked to an increase in life expectancy in both insects and mice (23, 24, 2).

However, these findings have not always been replicated and there are currently no studies available in humans (26, 2). For example, many studies link a plant-rich diet with a lower risk of premature death, as well as a reduction in the risk of cancer, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, depression and brain deterioration (28, 29, 30, 3.It should come as no surprise that staying physically active can keep you healthy and add years to your life (40). Finally, some research links vigorous activity to a 5% greater reduction in risk compared to low- or moderate-intensity activities (4). Smoking is closely related to illness and premature death) (4.A study reports that people who quit smoking before the age of 35 can extend their lives by up to 8.5 years (4).

In addition, quitting smoking at age 60 can add 3.7 years to your life. In fact, quitting smoking at age 80 may still offer benefits (44, 4.Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to diseases of the liver, heart and pancreas, as well as to an overall increase in the risk of premature death) (4.The results of a 29-year study showed that men who preferred wine were 34% less likely to die prematurely than those who preferred beer or spirits (4). In addition, a review found that wine was especially protective against heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders and metabolic syndrome (50). Feeling happy can significantly increase longevity (5).

In fact, the happiest people had a 3.7% reduction in premature death over a 5-year study period (5.A study of 180 Catholic nuns analyzed their self-declared levels of happiness when they first entered the monastery and, later, compared them with their longevity. Finally, a review of 35 studies showed that happy people can live up to 18% longer than their less happy counterparts (5.For example, women who experience stress or anxiety are up to twice as likely to die from heart disease, stroke, or lung cancer (56, 57, 5). Similarly, the risk of prematurity (death) is up to three times higher in anxious or stressed men compared to more relaxed men (59, 60, 6). Studies show that pessimistic people have a 42% higher risk of premature death than more optimistic people).

However, both laughter and a positive outlook on life can reduce stress and potentially prolong life (62, 63, 64, 6). Researchers say that maintaining healthy social networks can help you live up to 50% longer (6.In fact, having just 3 social ties can reduce the risk of premature death by more than 200% (6). Studies also link healthy social networks to positive changes in heart, brain, hormonal and immune function, which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases (68, 69, 70, 71, 7.A strong social circle may also help you to react less negatively to stress, perhaps explaining in more detail the positive effect on life expectancy (73, 7.Finally, a study reports that providing support to others may be more beneficial than receiving it. In addition to accepting the care of your friends and family, be sure to return the favor to them (7).

According to data from a study that followed 1500 boys and girls to old age, children who were considered persistent, organized and disciplined lived 11% longer than their less conscientious counterparts (76, 7). Conscientious people may also have lower blood pressure and fewer psychiatric conditions, as well as a lower risk of diabetes and heart or joint problems (7). For example, the polyphenols and catechins found in green tea may lower the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease (82, 83, 84, 85, 8). Sleep can also promote inflammation and increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

All of this is related to a shorter life expectancy (102, 103, 104, 10). On the other hand, excessive sleep could be related to depression, low physical activity and undiagnosed health conditions, all of which can adversely affect life expectancy (10). Scientists refute previous research that concluded that humans can only live up to a maximum of about 115 years. The study found that the healthiest people followed a Mediterranean-style diet.

This means a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts with healthy oils, fish (and less red meat), whole carbohydrates and olive oil for cooking. Whatever healthy change you want to make, it's not too late to see great benefits. Here are five places to start. Learn more about studying and bring the power of these smart decisions to your life with advice from Michael T.

Smith, PhD. A healthy weight varies from person to person, but the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) states that a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy. . .

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